This is the Site of #VoteTrump2016 in #Chicago #Illinois

Tuesday, April 12, 2016



MARCH 23, 2016
Zakat Foundation of America (ZF) is ready to open the doors to the Rohingya Culture Center (RCC). The RCC, located on the city’s North Side in the Rogers Park neighborhood, is a refugee resettlement center that will provide support and assistance to Chicago’s growing refugee community. At least 200 Rohingya families have settled in the Chicagoland area in recent months after fleeing ethnic violence in Myanmar (Burma). ZF is utilizing a grassroots model where Rohingya families will essentially lead the facilitation of multiple programs, including courses in English (ESL), career workshops, after-school tutoring, and much more. This historic partnership presents an opportunity for one of Chicago’s growing refugee groups to participate in community-building projects as they begin to establish their lives and become part of the American fabric. The official open house ceremony for the RCC is April 9th, 1-4 pm at 2740 West Devon Avenue and will be focused on attracting refugee families, community organizations, and the Muslim leadership of Chicago. The event program will include a presentation on the challenges and needs of resettlement, as well as Rohingya community members’ stories of migration to Chicago.

Here is what Time magazine said about Rohingya on October 14, 2002 in an article entitled, ‘Deadly Cargo’ by Alex Perry.
Today, southern Bangladesh has become a haven for hundreds of jihadis on the lam. They find natural allies in Muslim guerrillas from India hiding out across the border, and in Muslim Rohingyas, tens of thousands of whom fled the ethnic and religious suppression of the Burmese military junta in the late 1970s and 1980s. Many Rohingyas are long-term refugees, but some are trained to cause trouble back home in camps tolerated by a succession of Bangladeshi governments. The original facilities date back to 1975, making them Asia’s oldest jihadi training camps. And one former Burmese guerrilla who visits the camps regularly describes three near Ukhia, south of the town of Cox’s Bazar, as able to accommodate a force of 2,500 between them.
The US Conference of Catholic Bishops is one of the major lobbying groups to push for the seeding of America with Rohingya Muslims as we reported here in 2013.

Read it all and more at RRW.
Now, Rohingya Muslims can join Syrian, Iraqi, Afghani, Jordanian/Palestinian and other Muslim invaders in the jihadi haven that is Illinois.
They aren’t welcome where the people and government know they are a threat:  Myanmar says Org of Islamic Cooperation not welcome, “we are not an Islamic country”

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