Chris Menahan InformationLiberation Jun. 06, 2016 |
Popular - 1.Italy: "Refugees" Block Traffic to Protest Against "Overcooked Rice"
- 2.Illegals Openly Brag About $300k Scholarships on Twitter
- 3.'Refugees' Turn Paris Into Giant 'Open-Air Toilet'
- 4.Germany: Migrant Threatens Cop, Cop Does Nothing to Avoid Being "Sued for Racism"
- 5.Video Shows SAME MEXICAN THUG Sucker Punched TWO DIFFERENT VICTIMS in San Jose!
- 6.'Hillary Clinton: More of the Same' - Pro-Trump Super PAC Releases Savage TV Ad
- 7."Donald Trump Was Right!" Molyneux Reads Mexican Guide For Illegals Invading US
- 8.VIDEO: Migrant Camp Freaks Out On Reporters Asking Questions
Our future engineers and computer scientists in action! Via RT: French riot police have moved on the Eole gardens, near the Paris Eurostar hub, to clear out a shantytown full of UK-bound migrants, following locals' complaints of gang violence and that the park turned into an "open-air toilet." Migrants had set up the camp in the park after Paris Mayor Anne Hidalgo announced that the city's first-ever international refugee camp will be built outside the French capital later this summer. In the meantime, migrants from all across Europe, including many who previously stayed in Calais, in the notorious ‘Jungle’, made a beeline for Eole Park.Clearly, they just need a bit more welfare – then they can get those computer science and engineering degrees to pay off our pensions just like Merkel promised! We can easily replace all the computer scientists who are fleeing Germany with this new bunch! Here's some more shots of the new Paris:
To think some heartless, selfish, racist bastards didn't want to help these people by bringing them to Europe and said we could help them better in their own countries! For shame! Follow InformationLiberation on Twitter and Facebook. |